The aim is to both measure, but also – above all – to reduce the impact across all scopes.
Scope 1: The direct environmental impact caused by our company.
Scope 2: The environmental impact indirectly caused by our company.
Scope 3: The environmental impact caused by upstream and downstream activities.
a. Legal and regulatory: We are on top of and aligned with the latest laws, regulations and compliance standards. The oversight of these issues is ensured by the management team and board of directors.
b. Governance: We have an appropriate governance structure in place, have clear guidance on accepted and unacceptable behavior, are committing the company to highest ethical standards, and will adopt a whistle-blower policy.
c. Data privacy and security: We require the installation of a strong culture of trust, responsibility and best practice in handling data in compliance with all relevant laws.
How we operationalize ESG in THE FORCE

a. Diversity Equity Inclusion: We integrate diverse and inclusive practices across all areas of the business.
b. Team and working environment: We build a strong culture and are a conscientious employer.
c. Responsible service design: We design, build and deliver services with consideration of the ethical and human implications on both the customer and society.
d. Supply chain: We work towards an ethical and environmentally responsible supply chain for us – but also for consulted customers.