Creating and producing an excellent product isn’t enough. You also have to introduce it to the market, work on your sales channels and generate awareness among your final consumers. There are many screws that you can – and need to – turn to eventually sell your product. THE FORCE supports you in developing a concept for that right from the start – or in implementing completely new opportunities.
We assist you in marketing and sales at all stages:
No matter if you’re just about to enter the market with your product or want to digitise your marketing and sales processes, our experts are here to find a strategy that ultimately fits you.
You have developed your product, hold all necessary approvals for selling it... now what?
We introduce your product optimally to the market. We can also help you to position yourself correctly from the start so your product doesn't get lost in the masses.
Do you have the feeling your product needs a new push or that it is time to use different sales channels?
Do you need support in your sales activities in general? Our sales experts will give your product that special boost it needs.
You don't just want to focus on short-term goals but to implement a marketing strategy that fits you and your product perfectly?
We analyse your customer's entire journey to your product in order to find it. The goal is to pick up your customer – no matter which way they come to you.
Whether labelling, package leaflet, expert information or advertising: scientific information about your medicinal products must be checked according to particular specifications. We provide an information officer for this task – as and when required.
Serialisation offers protection against counterfeit drugs. We protect you from getting overwhelmed by the whole process and take care of everything from the registration with European and country-specific authorities to daily activities concerning serialisation.