We love challenging tasks.

The collaboration with THE FORCE developed quickly to a reliable partnership with equal parties on both sides.
We love challenging tasks.
The collaboration with THE FORCE developed quickly to a reliable partnership with equal parties on both sides.
René Schmid, Managing Director at YONSUNG GmbH
We believe that fear never leads to positive results.
That's why we encourage an environment where people are not afraid to speak up – be it to contribute their own thoughts and ideas, to raise concerns, or to ask questions.
Likewise, we acknowledge that nobody is perfect. We all learn by doing things, and in order to grow, we therefore must be willing to allow – and own – our mistakes.
Doing things "the way they've always been done" just for the sake of it isn't our style.
Instead of conforming to the status quo, we are always open to new ideas, ways, and approaches. And these impulses don't have to come from a single source, either: We are convinced that anyone's ideas can be a great success.
In order for this to happen, they first need to be voiced – which is why it is important to us to promote a place that gives everyone the room to show initiative.
At THE FORCE, we are a team and work together as such.
For us, this entails that we proactively offer help and support when it's needed, regardless of position or practice, and encourage each other in what we do – because ultimately, whether the team fails or succeeds depends on every single one of us.
For our customers, this means we can form a project team that provides not only the necessary skills for the task at hand, but also a group of people who are in tune when it comes to working and solving problems together.
We believe in giving people the necessary space to try new things and to develop – and expand – their skills.
While it often requires courage and determination to step outside your comfort zone, it's also what eventually leads to growth.
In addition to personal development for everyone at THE FORCE, this also allows us as a company to thrive and to move forward through new ideas and projects.
Heartitude is the attitude of our heart – individually and as a company. At the center of this are, for us, honesty, respect, and appreciation.
On the one hand, these principles apply to interactions between members of THE FORCE (no matter their background or position), from support within projects to sharing know-how, and even go beyond that on a more personal level.
On the other hand, it's important to us that they also hold true when it comes to cooperation with our customers.
When we are given responsibility, be it for a small task or an entire project, we are also given a certain amount of power.
More importantly, we don't run away from it. Instead, we take on all responsibilities that come with that – including the accountability for our actions.
And in the end, this also relates to our field of work: Pharma always concerns a patient, so delivering good quality is not only particularly important, but also our responsibility.
In our experience, trust can bring out the best in people and be a huge motivation.
We also believe that trust is something you actively choose – not just once, but again and again, even (or especially) knowing that nobody is perfect, and people will make mistakes from time to time.
There are times when it's reasonable to accept change or a different way instead of holding on to your ego.
Flexibility is what makes us and our work better in the end. This includes both our way of working and the solutions we can provide for our customers.
Likewise, we believe that flexibility can be useful if adversities push us down: While resisting too much can eventually lead to a breaking point, adapting to the circumstances allows us to bounce back instead.
We are a diverse team that accepts all people – regardless of gender, nationality, age, religion, sexual identity, philosophy, social origins, or mental and physical abilities.
This gives us a wide variety of opinions, approaches, and useful impulses for each topic or project.
All of these differences also help us to better adapt to new situations, and, not least, to new customers.
For us, every single person at THE FORCE matters. We believe that no title or position makes someone better than anyone else.
We treat each other with respect and tolerance – always keeping in mind that respect is a two-way street. While we might not see eye to eye as a team at all times, we still meet each other at eye-level.
And finally, we all work towards a common goal, not just within specific groups or practices, to consistently improve the company as a whole.