Pharmacovigilance needs to work. Providing safety and security is our job.

Being a pharmaceutical company means caring of patients and providing them with solutions of the highest quality. Sometimes you need support to fulfil all your obligations. QPPV-As-A-Service by THE FORCE provides you with instant relief for your Pharmacovigilance needs.

We specialise in bringing world-class Pharmacovigilance and QPPV services to our customers – no matter if you are looking for someone to...

...establish and maintain the Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF).
...process the reporting of adverse reactions.
...create risk management plans and perform risk minimisation measures.
...create and check the pharmacovigilance documents needed for the dossier submission.
...advise you on and check the Pharmacovigilance Agreements that need to be concluded.
...perform the function of the QPPV to guarantee oversight of your pharmacovigilance system and ensure 24 hours availability.
...be your partner if you need guidance in a start-up company and cannot afford a full-time QPPV.
We can support you with establishing a best in class pharmacovigilance system in your company.

Rudite Schillinger, Director Pharmacovigilance / QPPV at THE FORCE CT GmbH

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to make your Pharmacovigilance work.